SATURN Webinar Recording Now Live
The recording from our webinar on 'International Standardization in Underwater Acoustics' hosted by MaREI, UCC is now available online!
We were delighted to welcome over 40 participants, to the third and final installment in our SATURN webinar series on Underwater Acoustics last week! For those who were unable to attend, a recording of the event is now available on our project YouTube linked above.
Presentation Details
· Kathrin Kopke (MaREI, UCC) - Welcome and Introduction
· Michael Ainslie (JASCO) - Standardization in Underwater Acoustics
· Christ de Jong (TNO) - URN Measurement Standards
· Michele Halvorsen (JASCO) - Bioacoustical Standards
· Stephen Robinson (NPL UK) - Future Developments in ISO and IEC
You can access the full order of events and our speaker presentations from our project website at the following link.
Get to Know Our Speakers (in order of appearance!)
Dr. Michael A Ainslie, JASCO Applied Sciences, Germany
Link: Michael Ainslie (
Michael Ainslie is author of the book Principles of Sonar Performance Modeling (Springer, 2010). His research interests include sonar performance modeling and effects of sound on aquatic life. He is a Senior Scientist at JASCO Applied Research (Germany), Visiting Professor at the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, Un. Southampton (UK), Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America and a founding member of the EU expert group Technical Group Noise. He is a vocal advocate for international standardization of procedures for measuring, analyzing and reporting underwater sound. He is Convenor of the ISO Working Groups ISO/TC 43/SC 3/WG 2 (Underwater acoustical terminology) and ISO/TC 43/SC 3/WG 5 (Measurement and modelling of underwater ambient sound), and co-chair of the International Quiet Ocean Experiment’s working group Marine Bioacoustical Standardization.
Dr. Ir. Christ A.F. de Jong, TNO
Link: Christ de Jong (; de Jong LinkedIn
Dr. Ir. Christ A.F. de Jong is a senior consultant in the Acoustics division of the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO). He has been working in the fields of underwater acoustics and ship acoustics since 1986. For many years he was ship acoustic advisor for the Royal Netherlands Navy and responsible for research projects aimed at managing the underwater acoustic signature of naval platforms. Nowadays he is mainly involved in studies of the environmental impact of anthropogenic underwater sound on marine life, with a focus on shipping and the construction of offshore wind farms. He is an active member of the ISO/TC43/SC3 working groups responsible for the development of measurement standards for underwater radiated noise of ships and of marine piling. In the EU Horizon 2020 project SATURN he contributes to various tasks, including ship URN measurements, acoustic modelling and sound exposure studies on mammals, fishes, and invertebrates.
Dr. Michele B Halvorsen, JASCO Applied Sciences, USA
Link: Michele Halvorsen (; Halvorsen LinkedIn
Michele Halvorsen is a senior scientist at JASCO Applied Sciences (USA). Her investigations have focus on effects of anthropogenic sound on physiology and behaviour of aquatic life. She is a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America. Her research has involved barotrauma (tissue damage) and hearing response assessments of fish from pile driving, navy sonar, blasting, seismic, and tidal turbine noise. Study results currently serve as a basis for acoustic threshold guidance criteria. She develops and leads multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary teams, as bioacoustics requires biologists and engineers actively collaborating. She advocates for increased international standardization in bioacoustics, measuring, analyzing, and reporting underwater sound. She serves the role as Convenor of the ISO Working Groups ISO/TC 43/SC 3/WG 6 (bioacoustical terminology) and co-chair of the International Quiet Ocean Experiment’s working group Marine Bioacoustical Standardization.
Mr. Stephen P. Robinson, National Physics Laboratory
Link: Stephen P. Robinson ( ; Robinson LinkedIn
Stephen P. Robinson is a Principal Scientist and Technical Lead in underwater acoustic metrology with the U.K National Physical Laboratory. His background is acoustical physics, and he has co-authored numerous publications in the field. Stephen has been very active in international standardization, and has coauthored multiple international standards for measurement of underwater sound and calibration of instrumentation, and his research interests include long-term trends in ambient sound. He is the Chair of the ISO Sub-Committee 3 on underwater acoustics of ISO/TC 43 and Convenor of the international standards working groups ISO/TC 43/SC 3/WG 3 (Pile driving) and IEC/TC 87/WG 15 (Calibration in Underwater Acoustics), and was a founding member of the EU expert group Technical Group Noise.
Access the remaining webinars below:
SATURN is an EU-funded project researching solutions to the problem of underwater radiated noise caused by shipping and other vessels. Learn more about SATURN at